Chair: Jimmy Mitchell
Email: Boys State Chair
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each student becomes a part of the operation of his local, county, and state government.
Boys State has been a program of The American Legion since 1935, when it organized to counter the fascist-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.
The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a similar program for young women called Girls State.
At American Legion Boys State, participants are exposed to the rights and privileges, the duties and the responsibilities, of a franchised citizen. The training is objective and practical, with city, county, and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices.
Further information can be found at
2023 Boys State Slide Presentation
2023 Documents Examples
1 Brochure - 2023 Texas Boys State (PDF)
2 Fact Sheet - Texas Boys State 2023 (PDF)
5 BS - Application Page1 (PDF)
6 BS - Application Page2 (Word)
6 BS - Application Page2 (PDF)
2. Fact Sheet - Texas Boys State 2023 (PDF)
3. District Roll-up (TXBS 2014-2022) (PDF)