Chair: Stephanie Otto
Scouting Chair
Based on the principle of duty to God and country, the Scouting program serves youth, ages 6 through 21, regardless of ethnic background, creed or physical or mental ability. In cooperation with organizations like the American Legion, Scouting offers a way for you and other dedicated volunteers of your post and the community to bring fun, adventure, and leadership skills to young people, and to provide effective character building, citizenship training, and personal fitness opportunities for youth. The types of Scouting programs are:
PURPOSE: The Boy Scouts of America created Cub Scouting in 1930 to help advance the character development and spiritual growth of young boys. This central mission of Cub Scouting might be even more important to boys growing up in the 2000s than it was for the first Cub Scouts more than 75 years ago.
PROGRAM: Local Cub Scouting activities involve the parents, adult leaders, and friends of Cub Scouts in home-centered programs that teach life skills, habits, values, and attitudes consistent with the interests of their church and community. Millions of boys and their families participate in Cub Scouting, the largest of the three Boy Scouts of America membership divisions.
METHODS: Cub Scouting encourages each boy to strive for his personal best, a lesson that will help him achieve success as he enters Boy Scouting – and throughout his adult life. Cub Scout activities encourage character development, physical coordination, family unity, and enthusiasm for learning. Cub Scouting helps boys develop a sense of teamwork, achievement, self-confidence, and respect for others. Learning to master new skills helps the Cub Scout realize his own abilities and discover that his can-do attitude is the first sign of success in any endeavor. In fact, that’s the Cub Scout motto: DO YOUR BEST
PURPOSE: Boy Scouting encourages boys to develop physical, mental, and emotional fitness and to adopt and live by meaningful personal standards as a cornerstone for success in life. These values include the basic principles in the Scout Oath and Law.
PROGRAM: Boy Scouts learn to develop personal strengths by example and through hands-on experience. Activities include fitness and leadership training, wilderness adventures, and merit badge incentives for boys mastering hobby and career skills Scouting encourages boys to expand and test their personal initiative, courage, and resourcefulness.
METHODS. Boy Scouts learn some of life’s more serious lessons while having fun. Boys learn about important values, such as helping yourself by helping others, and honoring the basic rights of others. Boy Scouting’s active learning experiences include hiking, camping, and other outdoor expeditions; competitive individual and team sports activities; and community or religious service projects. Many Boy Scouts first practice basic leadership, self-government, and citizenship skills during regular troop campouts and meetings.
Venturing is an effective coed young-adult program designed to improve character, citizenship, and fitness. Venturers exercise leadership, citizenship, fitness, social, outdoor, and community service endeavors. Venturing provides a variety of challenging activities to teach young people 14 – 20 the real world meaning of values, ethical decision making, and life skills. Venturing teaches leadership and problem solving skills to help youths mature into confident, successful adults. Venturing crews organize around a special vocation or interest of the youth members. The specialty clusters include outdoors, sports, art/hobbies, youth ministry, and Sea Scouting.